Friday, April 20, 2007

Anyone Out There Who Would Like to Sell Their Balintiwak Videos?

If you would like to sell ( or trade for a early eighties Inosanto / Magda seminar at Michigan State U. ) their Bobby Tapoada BALINTIWAK ESCRIMA video series set-contact me at:

Visit SOI PAWS animal rescue site!

Please visit and perhaps but something or donate some much needed funds for animals in Thailand and here in the USA. I offer some cool gemstone jewelry for your pets (or you), and some really unique and beautiful t-shirts that will really make you smile!


Herb April

I have let this blog remain dormant for too long!

due to the current spate of wacko college, high school, and adult yahoos who are doing everything possible in their demented powers to hijack our radio, television, and news services by indiscriminate hostage taking, killing, and maiming of fellow citizens of this great country or ours, I am going to start writing about how individuals can get some sense of security by studying "real world" means of self-defense / martial arts.

I am not talking about sport karate / kickboxing, exotic karate or kung fu systems, or so-called no-holds-barred fighting. I am talking about getting info on how to use firearms ( pistol and shotgun), edged weapons, sticks /improvised weapons, and simple, efficient, practical, and time-proven methods of punching, elbowing, tripping, throwing, kneeing, and kicking the bejeezus out of anyone who would invade your personal space or home and seek to intimidate, harm, or kill you in the process.

I am not a bleeding heart liberal. My political and social leanings are somewhat to the right of Attila The Hun. I love to listen to Michael Medved on his nationally syndicated radio talk show, and I often find myself in complete agreement with his well thought out and expounded commentaries. I get a kick out of some of Michael Savage's (nee Weiner) rants on national radio, although he goes over the top sometimes for effect too much for my tastes. When he is funny, I laugh. When he is pandering, I turn to something more substantial.

I am a member of the NRA. I am a firm believer in "concealed carry" in states where it is allowed. In fact, if you live in a state where concealed carry is not allowed (as I do currently in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois), you are taking your life in your hands everytime you open your eyes each morning. Those who proselytize for stricter gun laws conveniently refuse to mention that most gun crimes are committed by thugs and criminals who don't bother to register guns or follow gun laws. Why should they when the average citizen is always being cowed into giving up their self-defense weapons, or being coerced into believing that "the state, or the government, or the local gendarmes will protect us all." screw that!

Don't break laws. Don't do illegal things. but do take it upon yourself to do the right thing when it comes to your daily survival in contemporary urban (or rural) America. Own a firearm and train to use it effectively on a weekly, if not daily basis. Own a number of edged weapons and train on a daily basis in how to use them for real world self-defense. Learn and continually hone the elements of at least western boxing and Thai boxing fist, elbow, knee, and leg techniques.

You don't have to join that hole in the wall martial arts studio on the corner, or sign up at the "world famous" (???) martial arts "blend" dojo that claims to teach every art under the sun...especially the current HOT well as "super" (??) fitness, "uber" (i.e. drug use) bodybuilding methods. Don't waste your time or money with those ripoffs. There are better ways to learn what you need to learn to survive the wackos, the idiots, and the yahoos who don't give a damn about anyone or anything outside of themselves and their deranged outlook on life (speaking of which, there are a lot of deranged and irrational people in those martial arts schools who should be avoided at all costs if only because they will waste everyone elses time with their obsessions and over the top actions. It is far better to form a small "band of likeminded brothers and sisters" and host martial arts seminars and workshops than it is to jump into the absurdity that is contemporary martial arts training today.

This blog will point the way for you. Hopefully it will also attract commentaries from others out there who have intelligent outlooks on fighting, surviving, true fitness, intelligent exercise, and patriotism.

More soon!

H. April

Monday, January 29, 2007

Please Make a Small Donation to Herb April's "SOI PAWS SOCIETY"




Saturday, January 06, 2007

"Reality Isn't What It Used to Be!"

Just the other day I stumbled upon a book on "post-modernism" by Walt Anderson titled, REALITY ISN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE. The book opened a lot of doors for me, and it helped me begin to piece together a lot of the unanswered questions I have had for many decades about the whys and wheretofores of people who get "hooked" on martial arts to the point where they cannot see the forest for the trees.

I was recently laughing at a fellow of high school age here in the USA who believes that the only thing that matters to him in this life is to travel to Thailand, join a Muay Thai camp, and work toward becoming a Bangkok stadium Muay Thai champion. He is a kid with dreams who doesn't really understand all that such a lifestyle change would incorporate, or how it would effect the rest of his life in the future. After browsing through Anderson's book, I now think I understand at least a little bit of the social rationale behind that poor kid's Muay Thai goals. Hell, I think I now understand a lot about why "I" have spent over four decades training in various martial arts.

I have long been aware that many, if not most, individuals involved in martial arts (and the iron game...bodybuilding, weightllifting, powerlifting, etc.) use their training as a sort of alternate universe in which they can step outside of the "real"(?) world that we all walk through on a daily basis when not asleep. Of course there is nothing wrong with having alternative universes in one's life if only because life itself seems to be constructed of any number of "constructs" that allow each of us to cope with, and manuver through, the social world that surrounds us all. Without "constructs" we would not be able to cope with the chaos that we have to deal with every day in the so-called normal world (for example, if training in a Korean Tae Kwon Do kwoon (school) is part and parcel of your regular exercise regimen, you will recognize that you manuver through your "cojang universe" (gear, rituals, performance, status awareness, etc.) in a decidedly different way than you manuver through your FMA workouts, your weight training workouts, your Muay Thai workouts, your Japanese Budo workouts, or the way you approach ordering, eating, and paying for a meal in a classy Thai restaurant.).

What has always bothered me is the way most westerners (european and north american) seem to find it second nature to study a martial art for a period of time and then develop an unquenchable desire to become "masters" of those arts so that they can impress others with accumulated rankings, knowledge of minituae, and an air (stench?) of invincibility and superiority. For instance, I don't know if I should laugh or cry when I see books written on asian martial arts that feature nothing but pictures of westerners on the cover and throughout the book! Oh, you might find a thumbnail sized picture of one or two of the authors asian teachers somewhere in the book, but the only thing asian in the remaining 99.99% of the books illustrations is the name of the art and the uniforms.

Westerners still have a conquerors attitude that holds appropriation to be all that is necessary for ownership. In other words, if you become a black belt or teacher of some asian martial art, you OWN that art and can represent it any way you want. Usually that representation comes across as a watered down bastardization of what was origionally taught. It makes me shake my head in despair whenever I hear a western "master" tellling me that he has had to modify what he teaches so that it can be digested by his western students. Hmmmm, I wonder if those masters ever give any thought to the possibility that "their" asian instructors may have been thinking the same way when they taught them (which means that something was watered down twice before it reaches the typical western student...and the watering down continues as the student passes on his "skills" on to another generation!).

Forget about how tough you are, how skillful you are with asian inspired techniques, or how slavishly you try to "teach as you were taught" (which usually means silly things like speaking in broken english and trying to sound like the blind monk in the old KUNG FU television fact, David Carradine is the greatest example of what I trying to paint a picture of in this article), and just quit "americanizing" or "westernizing" asian martial arts to the point where you are flat out disrespecting the very art and tradition that you "claim" to hold in reverence.

I wanted to throw up a few days ago when I read an american martial artists comments on a martial arts forum blog that literally boggled my mind. The teenager (??) claimed that he was having some great Muay Thai workouts, Ninja workouts, and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu workouts at his local health club, but he wondered when he would know that he was ready to compete in no-holds-barred competitions. WHAT??? Hey, why doesn't he throw in a few "poison finger" kung fu and tai chi classes in the mix? If you're going to be superficial, you might as well be SUPER superficial, eh? I'll bet it never crossed that young man's mind that he would be better off spending a few years training and competing in amateur boxing or high school wrestling before signing up for the "martial arts du jour" that is taught at contemporary martial arts studios, fitness centers, and health clubs by the ubiquitous ""young western masters."

Ah, but it is all a "game" anyway, right? Otherwise don't you think that many of today's wannabe ninja, kickboxers, grapplers, etc. would be fighting to join the Marines, the Army (to get into Ranger or Special Forces canidacy schools), or West Point Military Academy? Nah, all of our western "paper tigers" have no interest in military service or the stress of possible real combat. Wearing a belt with a lot of stripes, Muay Thai boxing trunks, anklets, and boxing gloves is much safer than wearing military gear in a combat zone, eh? Plus, there is a world of difference between being awarded a military service medal, and going through a belt rank certification ceremony in a storefront or commercial gym dojo.

Ah, but I digress (by about 500 miles!). Check out the book, REALITY ISN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE by Walt Anderson, and see if it doesn't alter your perspective on the ways that martial arts are promoted, taught, and publicized in our society. And see if what you read does not make you realize how most of what we call martial arts training in this country is about as "deep" as a thumbnail full of water.

Please excuse my "incoherency" on this subject. I have expressed myself much better on this stuff in my books and articles written back in the seventies and eighties. It is not that I have observed some sort of decline in western martial arts teaching, study, and passing on of tradition from one generation (and one culture) to another since the early sixties, but rather a feeling of not being able to really help pull western martial arts training out of the morass that it has ALWAYS been in despite the efforts of many, many serious, dedicated, and respectiful martial arts practitioners from both the east and the west.

Friday, December 15, 2006

More Gift Ideas For The Holidays!

I found a really great doorway chinning bar called THE DOOR GYM ( see image at top of blog)that does not require screwing anything into the doorway or otherwise needing a setup other than putting the device in place and just chinning your heart away...and it can also be used as a floor dip device. I first came across this fantastic doorway chinup / floor dip device about a decade or so ago at a specialty fitness store in downtown Chicago. I neglected to buy one at the time, though I did recommend it to all of my friends who enjoyed home training. Hey, anything that will give yo the benefits of chinning (even chinning with resistance attached to your body) without having to be setup with a hammer, nails, and/or screwdriver is a godsend. For more info and a really great price on this super device, click the following link: ""

There is also a cool new floor pushup device that has a lot of potential, and is sturdily built too. It is the "strength builder push-up system:

The STRENGTH BUILDER push-up system takes the guess work out of push-ups. Movable handles allow you to target specific muscle groups and get the most out of your workout. Ergonomic handles eliminate strain to the wrists and elbows.

What can THE STRENGTH BUILDER do for you?

*Builds powerful upper body strength
*Tones and defines upper body - including ABS
*Promotes balance and stability
*Increases wrist strength for added power yet eliminates dangerous wrist strain

What makes Exercising with THE STRENGTH BUILDER different than the common "hands-on-the-floor" Push-ups?

*Hands-on-the-floor push-ups leave the critical hand placement determinations up to the exerciser. Exercises are a precise science that target specific muscle groups. People spend hundreds of dollars to have trainers assist them in targeting key areas. THE STRENGTH BUILDER is designed to target the key areas shown in the hand placement chart. DON'T JUST GUESS!

*Strategically placed handle locations provide optimal precision in toning and strengthening key upper body and abdominal muscles

*Ability to provide ergonomic comfort to hands, while eliminating strain to the wrists and elbows
*Enables you to receive a better stretch and upper body flex which taxes the chest and shoulders more than the regular push-up

*Allows for a safer, more controlled workout

Why THE STRENGTH BUILDER gives more value than "push-up bars"

They have created a highly-detailed, yet simplistic color chart for muscle locations. These images correspond to product hole placements to specifically target those muscle groups. Directional arrows are used to clearly locate position.

Individual push-up bars leave the critical hand placement determinations up to the exerciser. Exercises are a precise science that target specific muscle groups. People spend hundreds of dollars to have trainers assist them in targeting key areas. THE STRENGTH BUILDER is designed to target the key areas shown in the hand placement chart. DON"T JUST GUESS!
Safer, more stable exercise due to a secure stationary platform

Some bars are "plastic" or metal tube construction. Our handles are made from a solid industrial steel rod that is powder-coated to resist rust, and we've added the best EPDM padding available on the market today. This ensures comfort and padding longevity for the most demanding exercise regimes.

No assembly required

Testimonial:"Very rarely do I recommend a piece of fitness equipment, since many of my workouts are calisthenics based and require only a pull-up bar from a playground. Since THE STRENGTH BUILDER is slightly lifted off the floor, it enables you to receive a better stretch and upper body flex while performing a push-up. This movement taxes the chest and shoulders more than the regular push-up."Stew Smith - former U.S. Navy SEAL and fitness author
In my next post I am going to reveal how to effectively use the above tools!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Monk & The Tiger

photo by "JFA-JAPAN"

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Absolute Best Holiday Gift For Martial Artists!

The best book you can give as a gift to your martial arts friends and teachers is MUAY THAI:THE BOXERS OF THAILAND by Jeremy Skaggs. buy it now, and thank me later! This is the best I've seen on Muay thai or any martial arts in my entire 45+ years of involvement in martial arts and combat sports!

Check it out, and purchase it, at:

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Post #1

In the book Cuba and It's Music there is a statement that if there is a "magic" word, it is the word mambo. I agree! Anyone who has listened to a lot of african, afro-cuban, afro-latino, latin jazz, or salsa music, or plays afro-latin percussion instruments, or dances in the salsa style, knows precisely what I mean. The word mambo is as magical as magic can get. It makes things happen, and it serves as a conduit for the orishas to do their thing within our plane of existance.

Currently I am using a form of mambo to teach martial arts and percussion skills to a select group of individuals here in the midwest. All classes are rooted in mambo spirit. The results are uniformly phenomenal.

More on how I invoke, implement, and make functional mambo in my martial arts classes, as well as how I also do the same for my fitness conditioning and bodysculpting classes, coming soon.

Congaronin 03/21/06