Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Post #1

In the book Cuba and It's Music there is a statement that if there is a "magic" word, it is the word mambo. I agree! Anyone who has listened to a lot of african, afro-cuban, afro-latino, latin jazz, or salsa music, or plays afro-latin percussion instruments, or dances in the salsa style, knows precisely what I mean. The word mambo is as magical as magic can get. It makes things happen, and it serves as a conduit for the orishas to do their thing within our plane of existance.

Currently I am using a form of mambo to teach martial arts and percussion skills to a select group of individuals here in the midwest. All classes are rooted in mambo spirit. The results are uniformly phenomenal.

More on how I invoke, implement, and make functional mambo in my martial arts classes, as well as how I also do the same for my fitness conditioning and bodysculpting classes, coming soon.

Congaronin 03/21/06


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