Friday, April 20, 2007

I have let this blog remain dormant for too long!

due to the current spate of wacko college, high school, and adult yahoos who are doing everything possible in their demented powers to hijack our radio, television, and news services by indiscriminate hostage taking, killing, and maiming of fellow citizens of this great country or ours, I am going to start writing about how individuals can get some sense of security by studying "real world" means of self-defense / martial arts.

I am not talking about sport karate / kickboxing, exotic karate or kung fu systems, or so-called no-holds-barred fighting. I am talking about getting info on how to use firearms ( pistol and shotgun), edged weapons, sticks /improvised weapons, and simple, efficient, practical, and time-proven methods of punching, elbowing, tripping, throwing, kneeing, and kicking the bejeezus out of anyone who would invade your personal space or home and seek to intimidate, harm, or kill you in the process.

I am not a bleeding heart liberal. My political and social leanings are somewhat to the right of Attila The Hun. I love to listen to Michael Medved on his nationally syndicated radio talk show, and I often find myself in complete agreement with his well thought out and expounded commentaries. I get a kick out of some of Michael Savage's (nee Weiner) rants on national radio, although he goes over the top sometimes for effect too much for my tastes. When he is funny, I laugh. When he is pandering, I turn to something more substantial.

I am a member of the NRA. I am a firm believer in "concealed carry" in states where it is allowed. In fact, if you live in a state where concealed carry is not allowed (as I do currently in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois), you are taking your life in your hands everytime you open your eyes each morning. Those who proselytize for stricter gun laws conveniently refuse to mention that most gun crimes are committed by thugs and criminals who don't bother to register guns or follow gun laws. Why should they when the average citizen is always being cowed into giving up their self-defense weapons, or being coerced into believing that "the state, or the government, or the local gendarmes will protect us all." screw that!

Don't break laws. Don't do illegal things. but do take it upon yourself to do the right thing when it comes to your daily survival in contemporary urban (or rural) America. Own a firearm and train to use it effectively on a weekly, if not daily basis. Own a number of edged weapons and train on a daily basis in how to use them for real world self-defense. Learn and continually hone the elements of at least western boxing and Thai boxing fist, elbow, knee, and leg techniques.

You don't have to join that hole in the wall martial arts studio on the corner, or sign up at the "world famous" (???) martial arts "blend" dojo that claims to teach every art under the sun...especially the current HOT well as "super" (??) fitness, "uber" (i.e. drug use) bodybuilding methods. Don't waste your time or money with those ripoffs. There are better ways to learn what you need to learn to survive the wackos, the idiots, and the yahoos who don't give a damn about anyone or anything outside of themselves and their deranged outlook on life (speaking of which, there are a lot of deranged and irrational people in those martial arts schools who should be avoided at all costs if only because they will waste everyone elses time with their obsessions and over the top actions. It is far better to form a small "band of likeminded brothers and sisters" and host martial arts seminars and workshops than it is to jump into the absurdity that is contemporary martial arts training today.

This blog will point the way for you. Hopefully it will also attract commentaries from others out there who have intelligent outlooks on fighting, surviving, true fitness, intelligent exercise, and patriotism.

More soon!

H. April


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